check this site
would you like to check it with Vripack? I can try to put you in contact if you care for, of course you would need to disclose the name of the...
Carinthia VII Everything in life is relative. How small "Carinthia" looks when you compared her with Al Mirqab. Looks like all the big boys...
I was able to get some nice pictures..
Al Mirqab Still being on such a big boat(ship) is no fun, because they anchored in the middle of the bay and were not able to enjoy the sheltered...
Al Mirqab She is beautiful, especially considering the sheer size..
Al Mirqab was visiting Gocek this weekend.
Well I don't know how appropriate it is for me to comment on the subject, but indeed "Clemantine" was a wheel chair free boat, as the gentleman...
cat 32 acerts I've been using cat 32 acerts at 1825 hp for the last 3 years and have no isssues with them. in my opinion if you compare same spec...
we cannot argue tastes, but we should argue practicality and safety I had been on this boat in Monaco last year. As I said in the topic, I would...
Your off white is too yellow, you can have a slightly less yellow off white, which I believe will suit her better.
In my opinion you should concentrate where and how you would like to use the boat. A 2 cabin boat with a convertible settee in the salon for 2 may...
Well, I had a similar experience and was fortunate enough to convince the yard to start building my dream boat as the 1st boat of a new series....
Sea is a wild animal, I’ve been on vsls in verse conditions and it is really amazing to sea container torn apart like coke cans. I recall that APL...
Where is your boat in Turkey? Are you on the south coast or close to Istanbul or on the west coast?
Dear Mike, Thanks for your interest. You advice in terms of the pilot house doors well noted; I am aware of the difficulties that has surfaced...
In my opinion the key words are the need for socializing and the requirement for having a stable, supportive instrument for difficult sea...