Here is my first post again, these guys will tell you the truth warts and all....
There are some of us here who have actually been there and done that. I am looking into a project now that is a bit different and the proposed...
If you expect to receive reliable realistic information from anyone you should be prepared to reveal full details of what you want to do and what...
Do you have the room in a 44 ft sailboat to store 10,000lbs of batteries without having an adverse effect on the vessel?
I think he was recent as it showed up in my notification e mails and your post No 24 was in it .
It looks like YF Member Brents got shown the delete button before too many keyboard strokes were wasted.
Ft Lauderdale Crew Facebook that someone was looking at as.
If you refit the air box covers also block the drain for the space before adding liquid or your fluid will run out of there. Unfortunately given...
I know this boat is 15ft bigger than the one in this thread but this just popped up in a FB Gp someone showed me. Looking for local to South...
Why would someone need to waste money on that? He has after all asked for advice at the place that specialises in big boats. Shouldn't that be...
These guys are in FLL and are the foremost stabilizer experts in the world.
They might need a rebuild but most pf the parts will be resueable. Machining is quite an effective way to remove rust:)
If the engines do not turn, take the heads off and try again. The stuck ones will push the liners up a bit and as the pistons go into the liners...
That is not one of the names I was told of as being involved in the preps for it.
Since writing my comment a few posts above in October 2014 I have heard nothing until earlier this week when a very well placed little bird told...
I am yet to see a camera that is able to turn a twisted anchor or get lines, other chains etc off it if they are caught. On larger systems in...
His profile also says Dubai
37 mph southerlies right now
I also think you are being taken for a ride. Are you looking at this as a time based review or is the engine exhibiting behaviour that leads you...
Good one Pascal. The opening words are often the most overlooked. I moderate a couple of engineering related groups and I am dumbfounded how many...