82 Azimut perhaps? [ATTACH]
Yup sad, and expensive.:confused: When you intentionally dragged the anchor to avoid the drifting boat (s) how many RPM in reverse to get moving?...
Wow, busy night. Any idea why the dragging boats didn’t fire up the engines and re-anchor or just motor away from the beach? Have been caught in...
Judy requested it: :cool:
Some of these clubs do provide training:
I have seen a few boat clubs in Fort Lauderdale and considered joining the one on the New River to get away from constant maintenance and cleaning...
Yes of course, but this one is Pristine, obviously the owner maintained it below the waterline as well as above the waterline.. OP: Find a local...
Good news then, but why is she not performing…? o_O
Water soaked means the outer layer of fiberglass has been breached and the balsa core Has been soaked with sea water adding tons of weight to the...
A pristine boat not making minimum performance numbers? The bottom and the props have to be pretty darn dirty then, not pristine at all. Water...
Does his last name start with McC……..?
Yes, same airplanes as Chalks, Grumman Mallards, some withe old radial engines and some with the turboprop conversion sporting PT-6 engines, same...
Yup, something slipped through the cracks in the cockpit, but the boat guy should also have kept his eyes open and his head on swivel while...
Single engine float planes will have restricted visibility because they have a big nose and while accelerating to get on “the step” the big nose...
Commentary from a YouTuber [MEDIA]
XOM has been good to me as well, bought a bunch during the pandemic for $36, also bought BP and Shell stock, they did go up as well, but the best...
Different angle video https://x.com/peterkellybc/status/1799555703398441309?s=61
Keep clear of aircraft operations zone.
Well, the operation was ok’d by the CAA and the CCG knowing the nature of the plane, sight lines, etc., A bit early to dish out fault to one or...