Picture from Sunday night: Does it look like she has a canvas top above or behind the bridge? [ATTACH]
Security cameras on land showed the boat was gone in 60 seconds.:eek: Some have speculated she dragged up on a reef and got holed, but she is...
According to witnesses anchored nearby the mast broke off, then the boat capsized and sank. One can assume the doors, windows, hatches etc was...
Mod Edit: remark removed. Sounds like the lady who put her wet cat in the microwave to dry it..:eek:
Maybe not, but it may warm your skin and your eyes: Google: Marine Radar Radiation Marine radar systems operate in the high radio frequency...
Roger that and one of the charter ads shows her length at 112’, but that could be marketing.....
No Hailing Port, not documented.
Yeah, the boat could have been sitting and fallen in disrepair then sold as is.. On the other hand, this listing says she had a refit 2023 and now...
Yes, correct he got some horrible disease that made him blind before he passed away.:(
Disregard, the owner of the mansion didn’t do staters motors, but air conditioning components for cars. My bad.
Nah, Carl needs love too, I was thinking this thread should be about New River Sightings, never dull on the NR, the Jungle Queen and all.
A Lazzaare, 110?
Aye, no solution just an observation: This is my old stomping grounds and I operated such boats on deliveries now and then. The mansion in the...
Tbe swim platform dragging half ass in the river surrounded by black smoke.:(
We lived on a canal up The New River for 23 years + and have seen it all, but this a new one. [ATTACH]
I was also in the Absent Owner Care business in Fort Lauderdale for 17+ years. (Not at the high end Yacht Level this page is about but during...
Speaking of A 70’ Sky-Lounge with 2x 1,350 hp: I operated one in Fort Lauderdale some years ago and got exactly the same 29 knots at full power,...
Looking at the boat, the tower, the seas, etc I would go for the girlfriend, only she makes sense..:cool:
Nice video, but too much blonde walking docks looking good. (I love new tech and nice electric boats, but not present here) :confused:
Did we lose 2018..? I went back in time to look for a picture, no cigar.[ATTACH]