Key west 1720 would be a good choice. 18' Seacraft another.
Sometimes when they fail, they'll only shut one engine down........
I highly doubt you can go the Western Erie, a very scenic ride, but the bridges are low, check the website and see what actual clearences are on...
I think it would rip the corner of the swim platform off before it did that.
Is it possible the corner of the stern got caught on the dock as the tide was coming in and water just poured in the scuppers? If not connected...
replace the entire bowl, that bowl looks nasty and they're cheap enough.
They're a very mid tier boat. Very popular here because they sell the sizzle, but they lack a little on the steak.
If you can find a 50' Post with 820 MANs, that's what I would go with.
Buddy built some good boats and he built just as many crappy ones..........depending on his financial situation at the time and which way he...
10 gph at 4000 rpms, 12-13 gph at 4500 rpms, per motor.
That's one hell of a place to decide to take the helm for the first time.
You have a relatively narrow deep cut with very shallow on both sides. If the Captain was running too fast (which would indicate it by how far on...
Look at the test boat. Now compare Sharrow's base prop test, with other tests out there by the Manufacturer, Mercury/Yamaha/Suzuki or magazines....
Which is perfect when you take off from a moving boat!!!!!!!!!!! And, forget to land it before the batteries get to 30%. hehehehe Even better...
Why did you only replace the port riser? If one is bad, the other is right behind it. And, with a Mercruiser generally the manifolds and risers...
Yeah, but there's less than 1' of tide in Key Largo, they must've had some good speed behind them in order to do that.
They're a waste of time. If you compared all of there test boats, the origional prop boats tests are all doctored when compared to the same...
Replace your impellers every 2 years, 3 years maximum. But I prefer them done every 2 years in 99% of cases. The small generator impellers I do...
Globe is garbage.
Without a bow thruster you need a REALLY good mate, and someone on the dock to catch lines IF it's a floating dock. And, you start stressing...