Just sitting down to another fine evening. Reminiscing and offering prayers of thanks for our local blessings. Then in the back ground, I hear...
That's funny..
I had to look it up. To many mambo-jumbo government sites quoting FDRs but I found one site that explains it easy;...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worm_shoe https://www.diy-wood-boat.com/Worm_shoe.html
I am guilty of poor typing skills, grammar and here poor understanding of an airplane hand held FE requirement. So technically my comment in post...
Texas, Humm.. There is a shop in Houston I would recommend calling. They offered parts and support when I had to work on MANs in Jax FL....
Yes, I tried to inquire on some of this in post #2. That's all great for you. For years I have typed that MAN was poorly supported in the Jax...
To quote an old favorite; Ah, but there's the rub.. A trustworthy MAN shop? Sadly far and few between. Skippy J is correct in finding a trust...
I remember managing a mid 2000s, 43', Selene. Single Cummins. Not a stand up engine room but plenty of room even for my fat head and other parts....
The poor ole redneck used tar paper.
I feel the NHC was pretty close in their original forecast many days ago. It only took a part of a brain to know the coming weather was...
Welcome to Yacht Forums. Many MAN kids from all over the world on YF. I luv MANs. Sadly, their hours maintenance schedules (by factory manual) can...
Isn't that the purpose of a worm shoe? Like a zinc for metal, a softer sacrificial piece of wood for the worms?
Yep. Last time we cruised thru the lake and past FtMyers, I remember thinking this was a weather trap. And it was. Must be more than fluoride in...
I remember the rails on a Striker I used to work on were painted. I thought it looked good. The 46 year old treatment on our rails look pretty...
Unlike the builder, these kids are quiet as a church mouse. So Far...
First, I'm going to brag; Everything I have ever owned was insured. I have never filed an insurance claim from storm damage,, Car, Home or Boat....
Bertram and others started with Fiberglass tanks. Aluminum tanks became very popular for their fast, multi form and cost reduced (cheap)...
When the builder opened his mouth, within days of the sinking, he damaged his image. Announcing to sue, he has lost more respect from me....