I’m still fighting with my dang ice machine. Works sometimes then gives me fits other times and refuses to work. Doesn’t seem to be just a burp...
I found the setting. It was on the factory default of 4. I actually expected to find a higher setting. I dropped it all the way down to the lowest...
Thank you Capt J . I don’t know how I missed this when I read through the manual several times. I’ll get into this screen today and see what it is...
I did find the lo and his response rates. It is in low response while cruising so that’s not the culprit.
that was quite awhile ago but I don’t recall.any issues doing the setup.
I went through every page of the manual and played around with it yesterday. There is a high and low rudder response that automatically shifts...
I have a Simrad AP28 AP tied into my full Simrad electronics suite. When I’m cruising the AP continuously makes very small rudder adjustments...
For what it's worth, I have fairly new CAT engines. They are not 3412E's but I believe similar principles apply. I too find myself running at...
Isn't Michael Jordan's Viking also named Catch 23? I think it's basically means - what comes around, goes around. No?
When you say open water, is this just to get out of a “no wake” area? Or are you wanting bigger waves for some reason? To get out of no wake...
All the fish went to the vets. They caught Halibut limit all 3 days so 36 total over 3 days. Biggest were 84# and 68#. They took home about 175#'s...
Just out of curiosity, how long is a “sea trials” to you guys? Is there a reason I should want to go out longer than 30 minutes? Sorry for the...
I asked when I gave the deposit if we could take the boat out for a ride, and the seller said no to that until the survey was done. I wonder...
Happy this is working out for you. Sounds like your patience and diligence is paying off. From the seller/broker perspective it's hard to...
Ice machine ran fine for three days on saltwater ice mode. We got back yesterday. Today I switched it to freshwater mode to flush it and it ran...
Pretty much every anchor manufacturer has a table of recommended size anchor based on boat weight or length. I have always selected an anchor one...
Ear plugs. :)
So I ran it on saltwater ice then shut it down. I started it on saltwater a second time and it kicked off just fine, no burping. I switched it...
I think you guys are onto something with a restriction somewhere. I haven’t used this thing in salt water mode in a couple of years. So I flipped...
Bummer you spent some time and $$ but perhaps the outcome is best vs. buying a problem.