Pascal, what a project! Having a classic 53 Conv, albeit, a very changed one, I can understand the attraction these wonderful boats create. Would... Finally a real Jet Pack is available. What a great new addition to any yacht holiday.
Your posts are terrific. They give a builders insight into the reasoning and combat between design/function and their restrictions which are then...
And there is the Non Evolution of the Sport Fisher... Like seeing a "new" movie on a old theme and storyline. Instead of breaking new ground and...
Many of us have dived with sharks, mostly not realizing it! In fact the some of the most dangerous sharks in Australia will be aware of you from...
Ditto that.
I have seen a new Fleming at the Sanctuary Cove Boat Show with the Awl Wood finish. At the time the sales person suggested it was a Burr Yacht...
Good for you! Enjoy and share some photos.
Airex has few real world write ups on the net. More information on it's pro's and cons from you guys are of interest to me...
Well said NYCAP!
We should at least have patience to wait on more facts from qualified persons before making the kind of comments that will impact people in a...
It is one thing to speculate the cause/s of this tragedy, it is another to point a finger and claim incompetence, greed and other EMOTIVE and...
Very harsh on the design, Any designer that made their mark, broke NEW ground. It is so easy to sit back and critique something. Challenge the...
Maybe off topic, but this is what makes these threads so enjoyable! Last time HTM09 took us of topic it was huge generators, now it is heritage...
The publishers of Playboy have realised they have the profile that is recognised, therefore marketable, and the potential traffic to be...
Great post HTM09. For all the posts regarding the design of this yacht and the technology being applied, you have to admire the courage of the...
Don't be concerned. The screens work very well. Depending on the brand they are called South Bay Strainers or Algonquin Scoops. Thanks Pascal and...
What.. brian eiland, Think of this magnificent creature as a motor sailor!
Hi BuzzardsBay, Welcome to YF. Good to hear a positive story on Marlow. I agree with you on size comparisons to the Fleming. I had our 58 Offshore...
I should have asked the question before making the post. It was an assumption that marine engines were regulated similar to terrestrial engines,...