See above. For me, regular inspection and replacement of hoses leading from an open seacock are my targets. Especially checking for chafing in...
Why do you replace the hoses is they are not failing in some manner? Mine have been there since 1998 and I've had no issues? Just curious.
Why are people changing out their sanitary lines? IMO, unless they are leaking or weeping an odor they are fine. On a dry section of the hose...
What is your description of "popped off" ? Where did it pop off? You say the master stateroom, so can we assume it popped of the head and not...
'thank you EC
I know enough about paints to get into trouble. Maybe not even that. I'm certain the reputable painter I ultimately select will have the...
Question on paint colors. Many of you may recall the blue caste Buddy Davis had to it whites. I'm looking for a little heavier blue than that...
Keep us up to date. That could be an option for me coming from Beaufort, particular if they know Posts. I'll need the same cockpit and gunwale...
why do you say that? Personal experience or scuttlebutt? I always like to hear the basis of an opinion good or bad.
thanks 54. Before this thread I didn't know whether it was a $2,500 job or a $25k job, Got my bearings now ....
Thanks for that info. Topsides will probably get attention next year, I'll file your number$ for reference. After 21 years in our hands, we...
I will be spraying the hull only at this time. I will be using local NC tradesmen (Jarret Bay is high on my list) and each has said they would...
Indeed, when I begin to speak with the particular vendors about the project, I will be discussing their preferences and why. - then reading the...
Thx Capt J. Exactly the info I was seeking.
Agreed, it needs what it needs?? And it will get the best available. I was just trying to give a little info, to get a little info. How could...
Looking forward to getting estimates for my upcoming paint job. I have prepared myself to write a large check, but without any experience with...
Also, probably not the problem, but check the tranny wire leading to the sensor. The gauge can peg if there is a break, momentarily or otherwise,...
Dry Gas made everything run when I was kind. Was on my self right next to Marvels Mystery Oil and was it SPD (?) that oil thickener?
Dry Gas a Dry Gas, a blast from the past!
Maybe. I'm going to see them about painting my hull, so that would make sense. I'm guessing they use an outside dealer? Thanks