I do not mean to hijack this thread, but, I keeping reading about not getting up to temp. I must be an anomaly (no comments, please) Man 820's...
I'm still thinking you have a short up the line. Have your voltage meter handy - whether something "burned" out, or other wised failed, you've...
NYCAP I agree with your assessment. The OP says it happened all at once, not slowly over time. If that assessment is true, and not missed...
Interpretation please. What does that tell us; disconnected from the probes/sensors, one alarm sounds and the other doesn't? It seems the...
They are not "elecronic" in the modern sense, correct. But there are some sensors in there. I just learned for instance that they will sense, at...
You say it used to get up on plane at 14 knots. Did the problem arrive all of a sudden? If so, did the owner change anything 2 months ago? Do...
Your right. If both are disconnected from the probes the probes are not the issue. I missed that factor. What you describe sounds like an open...
I still wonder whether it requires a closed circuit rather than an open circuit to quiet that alarm. Particularly because its the same alarm...
Depending on the marina, you're are correct -there may be many resident "party" boats. But the OP is talking of a boat type BnB. You may not...
I'm always the dark cloud, but is a decent marina going to allow you to run a BnB type charter operation? Dunno. Constant change of non nautical...
Check for the electronic boxes to be mounted remotely on a bulkhead forward or to the rear of the engines. Also, I believe the alarm circuit may...
If its factory issue, I put it a frame for the cabin wall, not fly it from a halyard. But that's me,
Well there you go. Learn something everyday. Aren't those designated ship to ship, but ....
They make personal intercoms for your purpose. Crew coms is not a proper use of VHF radio service
I'm certain the OP had good reason, but my thought is that if you know you're painting in a short while why apply it in the first place? It can...
Hence my previous comments about unnecessarily adding $$ to the painting costs. I hope he's not hit with some "removal/prep" cost add on, and a...
TY Alzira for that kind offer. Lemme know what you find. I have heard that running a bleach solution thru the lines and wearing house hold style...
Have at it.
thanks NYCAP. I'll try them also!
Bayliss is where?