FYI, handle my 50 single handed (my first mate is a bit incapacitated physically) in all but windiest conditions - but then we don't want to be...
Find the problem, cost the solution, deduct it from the offer if it's not a "fatal flaw" A 1987 of any make is going to have some issues. For...
Don't get frustrated. There are 13 50s for sale on another forum dedicate to sales only. Why did you start another thread? The 4 models of...
We had the good fortune of owning a 1977 Egg Harbor for 13 years. Tears of love not pain (?) were left on that teak - now, its all gotta be...
If it were me I'd repaint it again. Oiling can be just as much work as clear coating. Main thing for the OP, though, is to make sure the boat,...
Have a fun and safe trip moving your vessel. Happy holiday BTY
Why are you yelling at us with incorrect info?? Its going to be a B***** to clean that wood and get it ready for clear coat after its been painted.
Awlgripping the teak toe rail, eyebrows, etc became very popular as the wood aged, and the newer versions of the vessel were manufactured with...
One one engine, we putt along at around. 5.6 knots I don't have the stern deadrise that you do. My 600 could be a 550? I might try Mapism idea...
The analogs show about 600. When the motors are hot after a trip they run up about 700. So you have the same experience as I of having to...
What is the tide rise in Boca? You might also think about having the outboard dock cleat at the stern actually moved and refastened further out...
"And as all other MAN mechanical engines, it didn't have any cutout system" your words. Quote correctly. My words were "close the injectors, I...
I've never notice water ripples except at the exhaust , but must say I don't think I really looked. But I am in the engine room alot at idle. I...
You have cut outs or cut offs on the 820's according to the experts I have contacted and my reading, despite Mapism's insistence. What is is the...
Mapism, Give it a break. You gave incorrect INSISTENT info to a poster about the cutoffs. Stop speculating. I have already admitted I don't...
This is a Hatteras thread??
Boyz. I come to this forum to get away from this nonsense. Please go somewhere else to have this out
I have not had a problem. The cutout actually closes the injectors, I believe, so there is no unspent fuel passing thru the cylinders and out...
To confirm: 820's have the cut out. Run on cylinders 1-5. Governed by boost pressure.
"It is indeed rougher than the V12, and to a lesser extent also than the V8, particularly at low RPM. But that's the nature of the beast - nothing...