Agree on the moisture probability, but not the fit. Good eyes on that bulging. I would have chalked that up to edge sanding if I had even...
Could you 'splain that lucy? To me, that joint is class A. Egg Harbor turned out even tighter joints year over year on its toe rails. Let's...
So, am I following this correctly,, not only is the potential purchaser not getting his down payment back, or at least a portion, the broker is...
Agreed. I had one blow apart 2 years ago while the boat was shrink wrapped. The vessel was impenetrable until cleared of the odor and toxic fumes.
On the Hudson the boats use a special flap and other devices to keep the muskrats out while berthed. Would a dead animal in the exhaust tube stink...
OK> It happened to my dock mate here on Long Island. I'll tell him to try a different IP. Hope you are staying safe.
What does it mean if you receive the messaged "banned" when you try to long in?
I think we may be mixing up military authority with a national health authority The military etc can only be used in a national health issue...
Respectfully disagree. The charter of the CDC and other similar federal public health agencies say something like "... when the magnitude of the...
I think its Microsoft, but welcome corrections, already has developed a "contact tracing" app for your cell phone. Some view that app as too...
My comment would be that "you are bully and a danger to all us harmless old folks! If you threatened my life like that with a gun or knife you'd...
I assume you're talking about warmed engines for the temp gauge when you turn the key? Do you have another set of gauges in the engine room for...