It seems the pattern was always to get close to deals and then they'd have a change of heart. Sometimes coming from the parent, sometimes a change...
And all those get you sued and you lose the case.
Actually the concept would be to license the name and collect royalties on MY's. Done all the time in other businesses.
And you were not the only person to approach them on that subject. Just the other I'm aware of was planning on building on the East Coast instead...
If his intent was to promote Silent, then he sure was lousy at his job. If he was their representative, then they have big problems.
Hatteras wasn't doing things to build more of anything. Their investors were just planning the exit. They've been through years of owners looking...
Well, they refused to fill orders, so that's the contradiction. MY line might not have been growing but it was still selling. This is not an...
Yes, the Cabo site was taken down some time ago, again with no announcement or fanfare. What is sad is that they wouldn't sell the Cabo brand....
The facility was full. Orders into the future. New orders very standard. While I believe they needed changes, it wasn't keeping the orders away. I...
I don't think he's stupid. I think he's intelligent. Either he was trolling or he's just bought in fully to a lot of theories. Some of his...
The orders I'm speaking of were firm orders through dealers and were standard boats. Nothing unusual or controversial. At least one was right...
The decision making is not known. Were the MY's profitable as many say, or perhaps not as much so. The space they took and the time they took...
An interesting aside. White River doesn't even list Hatteras among their brands on their website. Apparently trying very much to keep them...
Only Johnny Morris knows. This was a Bass Pro/White River Marine Move and all production tied up with Mako and Ranger Saltwater and Hatteras SF's....
I left the discussion. He's no longer here to discuss. It was the discussion with him I bailed on. Now I'm discussing my discussing with you. I...
Oh, and thanks to those of you who pushed him over the edge. I just lightly nudged him toward it.
I don't think his posts were alcohol induced, perhaps other substances, but I really think just some heavy brainwashing and deep into conspiracies...
Oh I fully understood but apparently you don't. Fully solar powered with air conditioning isn't going to happen. I did understand no crew but...
I love the concept, but you do realize, don't you, that they have generators, very large ones. A Silent 60 has a 100 kW to a 145 kW generator and...
Our AB does and our Riva's do. Now, I don't think outside Azimut, the issue is the electrical on the boat, but the access to replacement parts....