We have installed Zipwake since they debuted and overall have been very happy with them. They install easily, the user interface is nice and you...
It's a Lydia built in 1995. She lives in Spain.
We have an owner who has a set of Sharrows on order for his boat that will arrive later this year. Once he puts them on I will definitely get...
Try Minneys Yacht Surplus in Newport Beach CA. We sold them a container full of Cabo parts before we left the company and I know they had many...
We use Zipwake on our models and overall are happy with them. They had servo issues early on but lately they have been very reliable. We find on...
If you want a no BS response from a well known and high quality tower builder, reach out to Tim Bausch from Bausch Towers. He will explain the...
Don't put shaft zincs on. Stick with the brushes and the transom zinc and you'll be fine. The 40's like clean water going to those props thats why...
You're 1000% correct, communication has been horrible. When my dad and his partner owned Cabo, they had one meeting a week at the factory and we...
I personally think Hatteras is past the point of no return. We've had quite a few Hatteras dealers reach out to us to take on our line because...
We were close twice on reacquiring Cabo. The first time was in 2012 or 13 and it involved the purchase of the Brunswick Swansboro facility which...
We tried to buy our old company Cabo back multiple times and would love to get the name back. And unlike the name mentioned above, we would...
I heard from a very reliable source this past weekend that there was a clean up in New Bern that involved the crushing and removal of some...
You can get a 400 Verado non racing. Only difference between the 400 Verado and the 400R is programming; the motor itself is the same. You're...
We want to buy it back and would if the opportunity presented itself. The previous owners slammed the door pretty hard on us last time we tried....
Superstructure reminds me of the 88m Illusion Plus from Pride Mega Yachts
Michael Peters Yacht Design did the design work for the 35, 50 express and 61. Full disclaimer I haven't ridden on any of the new Bertrams my only...
You'll have far more to choose from at FLIBS versus Palm Beach, last year being the exception due to Covid. With that said, Palm Beach generally...
We've tried to buy Cabo back many times now. Last time we tried they wouldn't sell without Hatteras. Maybe this time will be different who knows....
Hate to bring a years old thread back from the darkness but with a few 100+ meter yachts being launched recently I was curious if anything ever...
Its not going to happen on our 42. We designed our 42 as an inboard and its going to stay that way. We are going to do a larger CC and these...