Very nicely done sir, nice design and nice little features built in it. I see you capitalized well on light weight and low maintenance. In...
Hi, I remember the first video you posted of this nice vessel. Do you have a photo record of the build process? Your design? What woods you used...
I'm missing the "Like" button! :( Or maybe I've lost my savvy technology touch! How'd-ya-do dat @Kevin ?? :mad: :confused: :D What should be on...
@NEO56 Thank you for your kind words Neo, this subject hits lots of cords in my life. Like you and others around here my connection to sea makes...
Hi all, This subject is so big and diverse and good to see it main stream its own thread on YachtForums. Mind boggling it is the thought of how...
In boating, like when prepping your carry for a hike; you build your "What if..." list, then give each item a rank on a scale system of...
Hi, I wouldn't doubt that this is a marketing pitch for armed security services and other related solutions. ISIL, unless commanded to be so, has...
This crossing is on my bucket list and since I first looked into it, I kept on wondering who, in their right mind, would do it on a Kayak?! But...
Superb as usual. This should be the standard to follow on real unbiased, true to heart ownership statements. Went over the listing, that hardtop...
So true. The other side of the coin: (Just one example because my memory is getting blurry!) 18 year old girl on a 38' ketch finished a...
Hi, Yes, generally bigger is better, it depends on the boat that you are comfortable being alone in for extended periods and least favorable...
Hi, Quoted from the thread linked above...
Not only hand signals, you will need all communication means you can get your hands on, even a cheap walkie-talkie (Along side a working VHF unit...
Hi, Check this thread it might be of help. Since it seems your boat is out of water,...
Kneeling on both knees awaiting the blissful site of white smoke to go at ranting about the abuse of real fish and the joke of fake fish, farmed...
It takes a real gentleman to confess that up. :) I like the first 2 choices, maybe the 2nd even better than all. Just a personal opinion. Any...
Hahahahaha Watch out, you are crossing the legal boundaries a bit! ;) Missed an extra M in Chef Paul's name, the Creole French magic chef him...
With you heart and soul all the way on that. Also that business model of mass everything is overcoming humanity and creating large voids in...
This is the reality and the reason to think that more regulations will only hurt those kinds of guys, not the ones we might want out of the game....
You have touched a nerve here! I know we are bit off subject but the bottom line is relative IMHO, I am totally with stopping commercial net...