My back gave up its ghost in when I turned fifty! Get an independent exam that includes an MRI. Don't trust the company doctor!! If it is a...
Good article K1W1: I won't have to deal with it but my grandkids will. Are you aware that they are allowing fracking in the Great Lakes basin I...
I was involved in a 40 hatteras fly bridge removal for transit by trailer that was not as easy you are hearing here! First find a guy to do the...
I have found that a NON detergent hydraulic oil such as any AW 32 is a superior transmission lubricant. I was told by transmission repair man back...
I'm sorry I thought that I was clear that my concern was with the high pressure side of the system. It looks like a normal LPG system to me. Also...
LPG tanks in US have internal left handed threads, and an external coarse RH thread connection for lift truck fuel ( hi lows) I 'm talking about...
Its the HIGH PRESSURE SIDE a swaged on fitting would be infinately stronger
I believe the top hose in the picture is the high pressure side he commented in post #7 that the stove is on the other side of the bulkhead that...
It would seem to me, that a rubber hose attached with a push barb and a hose clamp on any LPG or LNG system should raise a red flag:confused: A...
HELLO It was an attempt to use the zombie craze to promote disaster preparedness, I would hope that members could realize this and not take it...
Smoked oysters and warm buttermilk
Jaw Dropping: This is why I visit the YF site every day! Carl, I know AMG thought he was doing the right thing when he resurrected the layoff...
I get bird foot as I call it when ever I get more than 20ft off the ground ! I actually get cramps across the arch of my feet as they try to grip...
This monkey isn't cold he's in a naturally occuring hot spring in Japan and I think he is a "macaques" for the last 40 years they have used the...
For $25.00 you could probably get two at the area Lincoln welder dealer The size that has a twin cyclinder(I think Onan CCK) engine has this same...
Captain Bill THANK YOU for this post I spent 18 months in panama 1969/70 and locked thru about 100 times on boats from a 21' monark to 85' steel...
Outstanding article, GREAT IDEA!!!
Liferaft's Has anyone here ever had to abandon ship for real?
Great Lakes I believe Bowling Green University in Ohio has a great lakes history data base that documents over a thousand vessels of note that...
Whaleing Has anyone seen the natgeo special about the giant mass of jellyfish that are inundating the japanese islands? The oceans are fighting...