I’m afraid so, Ralph. In fact it looks like it’s already gone. I think it just happened in the last week or so. If you care to mourn with photos...
It's currently being cut up and loaded into a dumpster.
…lol, you figure it out. I’m not going down your rabbit hole.
I answered you above. Did you read my reply? I’m not going to argue which shade of blue the sky is.
I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know what you’re looking at. Pascal included the link in his post above. There’s a photo of the boat at the...
Well, I don’t think “Pay More - Get Less” green energy test marketing was a success. So they’re stuck with having to make stuff up.
Yes. The company that supplied the lithium batteries and technology for the San Lorenzo SX88 features this very boat on its website. Google: san...
I checked surveys from some Ocean Super Sports that I’ve sold. I found two 48’ SS. Both were 485HP 671TIB w/1.5:1 gears. One had 24 x 26 props...
Is your performance with new injectors the same as with the old injectors? I’m assuming that’s the case, and everything else checks out so now...
In my experience the larger Sea Rays (from 40’ and up) trim out well and run fairly level. More so than a few very popular express model sport...
In my opinion the salon in that model just can’t support an interior helm. It’s already pretty tight on space without one. However it does have...
I don’t know much about this yard but they sure build some nice looking boats.
Well, one of the effects it had was Sea Ray getting out of the motor yacht business.
That’s fine. In fact, personally I disagree with a lot of the negative comments from buyers. I’ve been more places on boats than I can remember...
There will be some, sure. But in my experience that group of buyers is a small fraction and getting smaller every year. You can see the...
Pre common rail. So, that’s older than model year 2003 or 2004 approximately. Referring to non electronic diesel power boats.
Equivalent costs will go up. New boats. Late model brokerage. Nobody is going to stop this inflation train. However my guess is the value for old...
We’re talking about a group of people who have, well they probably have more money than anyone else does, or has ever had. I don’t think the world...
Running 8-10 knots at 5-6 hours per day is going to be over 20 days underway. You need to add to that any layover days (if desired) and look at...
Used to be Hatteras and Bertram were the two big dogs with Viking a distant third. Bertram self destructed and Hatteras has been sitting on their...