The big problem was the French made soft block 3116. That was decades ago and they typically failed within the first few hundred hours. Those...
By now I’m sure you’ve figured out that you’re shopping a lot of used-up worn-out boats. With the exception of a couple of Hatteras, the rigs...
The BUC and NADA guides are for late model mass produced cookie cutter boats. Lenders use them and even so, they are not accurate. Besides that,...
Floating lifestyle platforms. Boats for people who aren’t boaters.
1,000’ length. 200’ beam. Around 225,000 gross tons. And stabilized, of course.
Nice job. She’s a beauty.
This is the inevitable next step after the oligarch super yacht outrage. When that whole thing started the first thing I thought of was this is...
But that would shorten battery life. They could dub in the engine noise …like the baseball crowd noise during those ridiculous covid lockdown...
There are a lot of voters who worship the green energy movement. It’s become the religion of the left. And they are hell bent on spreading the...
While the current president has chosen to malign and vilify those who provide the energy to power our lives and the fuel to transport literally...
June 2022 Biden’s war on oil…
I think the results of this “sequence of events” is the final nail in the coffin for mid market boating. The 50’ Carvers and Sea Rays and the like...
A few years again a friend started sending me these Thunder Child II videos. I can’t get enough of them! They are constantly modifying and running...
Yes the photo got my attention. That’s why I asked. Thanks.
Is that avatar you underway in your boat?
And Ralph is correct about the pandering. Biden’s public comments are pure political double dealing. Political theater. You can be sure they are...
As to the title question of this thread “War on Diesel?” …I’ll let the current president respond so that my post is not construed as political...
Meanwhile, the sock puppet in the White House is demanding increased production from the same oil industry that he’s hell bent on putting out of...