This order was mentioned on the global order book some time ago, but only recently they added the name of the yard. If correct, it would be a very...
Perhaps it's already mentioned, but there's a blue hulled or dark hulled yacht in a drydock, does anyone know the name? (On the port side of...
She's now cruising up and down the Dutch coast (Roughly between The Hague/Scheveningen and the port of IJmuiden) on her first day of sea trails,...
Oceanco's owner states in an interview that they have sold "about five yachts" in the past year. Maybe he means including Y710 and PA164? Or even...
Very nice find on FB! Some companies regularly post news there, others use their own website. Searching many sources gets you more news!...
Perhaps they will allow more time for testing as she is the first in (hopefully) a series? Apparently her name is "Event"
Thank you for the information, they seem to follow their regular pattern. I have the impression you are worried about the use of glass in...
Ais is on again at last, she left Merwehaven in Rotterdam at 08.48 hrs, now apparently on her way to the Dutch port of IJmuiden, and then to...
I think she's already been on sea trails, couldn't find of video of her on the North Sea alas. They switched off her ais signal some days ago,...
Since yesterday she's in a drydock in Rotterdam, hopefully they will start sea trails soon. I really look forwards to seeing her go out to the...
Two Hoek designed sailing yachts are also under construction: one 46 meter (151 ft) ketch, the other a 48 meter (156 ft) classic sloop. Read on...
Photo was taken about one month ago I think. She will be rolled out soon. At the moment there's a Jongert with the same name, so the owner of that...
(Tried both several times, but didn't work alas). Read this on some Dutch (non-megayacht) websites, because of the relocation of Venus there is...
Especially for you they added a mast! Small one but nevertheless :D Radars have disappeared: [IMG]
Syt states she has two engines, I've seen a photo showing three exhausts, and read elsewhere that she has four engines. Perhaps two exhausts per...
I appreciate her styling, but I think some things about her design could have been done in a different manner, as far as safety is concerned. In...
This is the sort of light I was referring to: Quattroelle - IMO 1011628 - - Ship Photos and Ship Tracker New trend?
You would expect such a large and expensive yacht to have them all around? Nice evening photo of Y708! First time I see her underwater lights....
Sofia (III) is on her way to the north sea for trails: : Ship Photos
Starship, a 14 million usd refit? That seems a bit much...especially for such a relatively old yacht?