Jim Wyck at chrisparts dot com will know alot of her history - he helped build Roamers once CC moved them to Florida. His phone number is (941)...
Sounds very much like a GRP (Fiberglass) Chris-Craft. These guys here know alot about them: http://www.network54.com/Forum/424840/
Itz really a Commander 31... ..., and they care: Search term Chris craft commander network54 Post it there. -E
First things first? When replacing my galvanized steel tanks (40 years later) wanted gauges as well. Had to order tanks with built-in SENDING...
Dignity,.... ...., its the new mantra. Sheesh,..., what happened on the way to the forum. In any case, hope all had a great 4th.
S'more Offshores Here's the status of "Known Offshores", at least by our count: 1963 Offshore (ST) ROC-38-20* "Sha**rn" Duluth, MN (1...
Offshores Rule Outstanding! Especially like the optional bridge. She's now made the "List of Known Survivors" (2nd '64) - and wonder if she...
..., or was that, something for naught? Seriously, 38 feet of Alcoa's finest complete with new Mercruisers AND a 6.5Kw GENSET? For $14.9K?? We...
41s Hopefully one of these proves hepfull. Cheers! -Eric
Roamer's "Truck-of-the-Year" Well, I do like the Ram, what with the cool new diesel, hemi option and all, and the Silverado's heart does beat...
Birds of a feather Here's something you don't see everyday. Just pray that itz never a real life perspective on the water either. She's a 1960...
Life & Death Jeesuz Christmas, I missed this post. Have (4) bilge pumps installed myself (1500/2000/1500/2000 - fwd/mid/mid/aft) and I guess...
Meanwhile,... ...., back in Roamerland, what should ever appear? Why, the Queen of the Tennesse thatz what here. We know she's 57 feet of ALCOA's...
DEFCON 1 (or 2) No, "Evel Eye II" (dont ask about the first one) is a really very fine aluminum Broward MY 75, now known as "Bottom Line", and...
Code RED (for now) Alrite, this is now classified as a serious Roamer mystery. Seems Evel had a special affinity for large Roamers. :cool: It...
Apples & Oranges Yeah, she was on ************** not too long ago - she had the coolest swim platform extensions I've seen since the one on...
Overkill or uber alles? Hmmm,..., Edison would be proud, only it kinda (from here) sounds like alot. My marine electrician (Clean Marine), and I...
The Nose Knows Poking around a marina near you. Here's the latest on 58s: 1969 FDMY RMQ-58-0501R NFI NFI 1969 FDMY RMP-58-50*...
Good news + Free Beer Now passing out updated Excel spreadsheets of "Known Roamers" to anyone who PMs me a personal email address or writes me:...
Billy Goat ..., no trolling. Gruff. Still, know that the Commanderos have a decidely opinionated perspective, eh?. Dont believe everything...