Flboater The mirrored system shown in one of the links that you posted has a particular downside. Tried a similar product and any motion in the...
Please don't delete. Perhaps in another thread. Thought provoking information that I, for one, was not even aware of.
Somali Pirates Are Getting Rich: A Look At The Profit Margins A quick take on the economics of piracy:...
Really is a fascinating read. I hope that the person from S&S that made the decision to make this book available visits Yachtforums. He, or she,...
"The Sound of Silence You can hear silence with the EPS™ thruster – the rushing sound as the powerful propellers displace water at an...
I downloaded the EPS brochure. Page 3 "Significant noise reduction" If I'm reading this correctly the Cavitation Noise Source Strength at 100...
S&S has been kind enough to make this available as a no charge download. Just a bit in to it and he sounds like someone whose company would have...
Even when you lose, you learn. Sending him back to Somalia would not be the best idea. He's now up to speed on what went wrong and what to do...
Sales contracts are different in every country and can even change from state to state within the same country. Now you know why there are so many...
Just a guess.. But I think someone just learned the rule about securing a sling's position before moving an object.
That bit of information was disclosed during a toast to the new bride during the reception after my second wedding. My parents were present and...
Have been around boats and on the water since very early on. Perhaps having been conceived in a canoe would have had something to do with it.
Didn't watch the whole clip. Too sad.
Somewhere I have photos from Troll A looking down at the tugs performing their synchronized ballet when the rig was being positioned. I guess...
Didn't intend to be mean to the tugs. It was just the first image that popped in to my mind. The Hippos were quite graceful as well.:) Right...
Tugs showing off.... Isn't that akin to the scene of the hippos dancing in Disney's Fantasia? Both using the same sound track?
"Nice view", said Barnacle Bill the Sailor....
Not familiar with this specific product. That being said... It's completely dependent on whether the system is designed to "fail open" or "fail...
Print going away is not a surprise. A few years ago I stopped all the subscriptions and notified the publishers that I'd be happy to subscribe...
Upgrade. It's a word that implies making something better. Why does that word strike fear in to the hearts of man... Upgrade from XP to Vista....