Have you looked at Recaptcha? Perhaps with an explanation on the sign up page, of why the process is necessary and why recaptcha is being used,...
Good to see Gunboat building on the east coast. A lot of skilled people there. Just an observation on building anything that's labour and skill...
What species am I? What answers do you expect when asking your Human Verification Questions? Seventy-two coupled with 27 is... Seventy-two on...
Thank you! Stepped hulls 8 or 9 years before I thought they were actually in use. Good day when you learn something.
No argument there. I've tried to make sense of some of those owner's manuals as well. Way beyond my skill-set.
No skills required. GoPro set at 1 frame every 30 seconds, or other time lapse rate.
Stepped hull in 1929! That's earlier than I thought anyone had done that.
If that wasn't leaving yourself open for a Carol Doda joke then you are truly immune. I'm hoping that they put USA17 in the water.
Hi Seawalker. Welcome to Yachtforums. After all the specs and rational stuff has been considered if a boat, or many other things, doesn't ring...
Trolling for crocs taken to a whole new level.
I'm in. Absolute thing of beauty that should stay in the US. Can just imagine the view looking forward between that set of exhausts at 100mph.
If you get the opportunity to actually attend an ACWS event, do it. The live feeds are good but when you actually see these boats performing in...
Alternative rigs If anyone will prove this rig it will be Greenpeace. The amount of high latitude work that they do will test that rig to within...
Sad to see so much damage. The turtled Cat brings a question to mind. Pure conjecture that it went over due to the wind lifting it between the...
Would be very interesting to find out how that project worked out. Any other photos or just the one?
Apologies. I should have been specific. I was responding to K1W1's post regarding a house left empty for extended periods. In a boat I'd be...
1-Yes, or more than double. 2-adapter from the iPad to HDMI or VGA available and it does work quite well 3-Wifi transfer works. 4- WiFi...
Apologies. I was thinking about Russian moving objects within ground effect.;)
I would humbly disagree. Perhaps a different source of reading material, but the quote I have in mind goes more like " The British have hot water...
Flying anything in ground effect for any distance can be a little challenging. Microthermals, little bubbles of warmed air, are being released...