Look at the previous photos of my Dory. Look at my seating set up . You do not have the room to turn the tank down, which is not a good idea, and...
Lol! Nice time to take the helm… Lost an engine? Look hard it’s around somewhere , will find it.
Yeah , what Capt J said. You should do both.
[ATTACH] Ok… it’s us … old butts on butt seats.. This photo was taken two years ago right at Fort Myers Beach at some dockside restaurant I forget...
[ATTACH] Here is my seating arrangement… Mine is a 1974 and still A bit rustic. But we sure do enjoy the hell out of it. It’s an extremely...
I'm finally rewiring mine right now as we speak. DO NOT try to change up things! You have a great original boat. Chris - Craft put alot of time...
It’s all speculation thus far.
Let’s dumb it down a bit. Someone at the helm had one to many special drinks … and at night … ?
Anthony ! Glad you are going again. Yeah man what a drag… For future reference for all of us Detroit people, at least with a J & T Detroit. There...
Nice job ! I had to put on my sunglasses to look at the photos! Lol I really like the water line details.
Dear YF admin. ( Carl)Please have the above post bronzed for me. :rolleyes: Anthony glad we all could help. Wish I was a genius ! but I sure am a...
Oops, yes that’s right. Not the SJ plant. anyway two new manual trailer cable wenches would work ! Just have to bolt them down well…:eek:.
T N T; I believe is a lift manufacture that makes lifts like yours . There’s a nameplate somewhere on that lift you just have to look all around...
Lol ! Good to know. I won’t mention your name up here! Not getting to Florida for a while. Perhaps next spring. I’ll keep you posted. Sure , I...
Anyone you know that is near the boat , that can check on it, walk by it, keep on eye on it . On the down low. And report back to you? It's a...
Da-Gum it , CR ! Didn't you ever read the directions on the back of a can of Gunk? Cover up things that you don't want to get wet before using...
That fixed it. Alt . is working now. No feed back. $20 part.
CR ! Yes ! I'm due for an update to this thread I started. Both engines running like new ! Only have 4 hours on the rebuild so far. Still going...
Perhaps Monel tanks … and a copper water tank. That’s what my 1962 Matthew’s had still fine as could be when I sold the boat in 2012. Why...