Hard to really see what's going on with out removing the screens. You need to get them off, look up into the thru-hull for restrictions. Wire...
Hmm, I like that '' Pleasure Craft'' Think I'll rename my boat. You should consider it too, CR. How about '' The Pleasure Craft'' ?
If you call Johnson and Towers Mt. Laurel NJ, ask for Jeff in the parts dept. , and nicely ask him for the engine start up and test reports for...
You said it, your problem is lack of water coming out port engine. Haul your boat. Start from the port engine intake, remove the sea strainer...
It's a J and T 671. Same as my 471s low profile J and T engines. White paint is usually J and T , Covington would be silver . A least when it...
Just wondering, where does the hot humid dryer exhaust dump out ? I had one on my boat, like your Post , old GE unit double stacked. It was a hot...
Seems to me , he wants to be ''working 30 minutes a day'' and the rest running around in his own boat ? Seems like that what he was implying....
Like charting a vessel from the '' Moorings'' ?
Good post. Your Ideal is the one I would up grade to, but after reading all of this, I will stick to my simple Ideal , one direction turn, capstan...
Ok ,got it. The big plug threw me off. Let me sit on it for a minute.
CR...looks like you took the photos with your own eyes as you would see after some hooch, or your camera got into your hooch... Do you...
I think it looks perfect CR. Goes with the vintage of the boat. Yeah no nonsense simple to use and clean. Was going to say old faucet might have...
Well just don't run at those RPMs. There I fixed it.:) Thanks for the info. I'm leaning towards the Mich. D-quads. Looks to be a robust prop,...
Old Russel never threw anything out. Old monel ring nails from the wood Post boat days, good stuff and they hold quite well. Also had them on my...
I wax and wane on the social/boating internet stuff. I've been quite busy, not in the mood to spend time on the interwebs. Had and having a good...
Hey MBevins, Good morning. I'm currently doing the same thing with my boat. I have the same props, 24 x 26 three blade dyna jets . Looking to go...
All Oceans, prior to 1984 have FRP fuel tanks , btw.After that aluminum. My 1981 42’ Ocean Yachts are just that, FRP saddle tanks , along with two...
Thanks for the heads up and offering . I’ve acquired a few since last posting this so I don’t need any but I’m sure someone out there could use...
Rain water runs in around all the deck hatches into the bilge. Hence the need for two bilge pumps, one under the motor bilge , just in front of...
All done. Much improved !