That one just beyond is on the list for roll over if it keeps building up.
Also may very uncomfortable at dockside unless in in very quiet Marina waves wise, Admirals don't like that.
Apparently the new design of the 43 model with the bridge moved over top of the salon has according to some increased the roll tendency , I also...
If you are really serious, the Haggin Museum in Stockton Ca. has all the data , drawings, p.o.s etc on just about all the yachts that Stephens...
Maybe he can take a course from the gals who got lost for weeks in the Pacific, that way he will have no problems ever.
I had our local sheet metal shop make me a sound shield for an older unit I had, was great, could dictate access panels etc, plus extra sound...
Thanks for that, any idea when Cat made that changeover. ?
Am a Detroit kinda guy but may have to switch, looked at a boat with the above pair, what's the general experience of these engines, ? have heard...
Thanks, I wanted the prospect to see an independent opinion as he felt there should be a reduction.
Have someone looking at my Stephens for possible purchase query came up as to injector size vs hourly consumption. Assuming 1400 rpm continuous,...
Tabloid station for a tabloid story
Yep, I told the broker it was a walk past for me. I have had the front end of my v 12's and it was not not too big a job.
Local Detroit Diesel dealer here tells me those are retrofit heat exchangers used to produce a much higher cooling capacity, are used in the...
The attached picture shows the above engine, it looks nothing like the 6-71 I had in my Hatters, am concerned it may an older outdated model ??...
Added a boost tsfmr years ago, manual switching...still does not alter my original findings, both here in Canada, Wa. Fla. Ca. a new main shore...
I am talking about a 240 v plug into a 50 amp shore side 208 connection. not 2x 30 a plugs into 2 individual legs on a panel.
well, reality works for me, when I plug into a 208 shoreside dock connection, my panel reads anywhere from 100 to 106 volts ea leg. Now you can...
208 is still 104 ea leg and with v drop it gets worse..
I have a 120 V portable dewatering pump, Yacht being Aluminum I id not want to wire 120 V to a potentially submerged pump on a permanent basis.
Yes it's a decent location, however it's a bit of a drive to ferries and airport. maybe worth looking at Oak Marine group in Ladysmith or...