Reviewing the survey report I see a note that the syncro people should be contacted as the surveyor was aware of the issue, seems my friend needs...
Friends new purchase , older vessel, I see the filter housing in the res. am concerned if we pull it will need to re bleed etc. Any experience...
Very very stiff, pressure up OK, parts becoming scarce , so I am told. Will have second opinion from my DD mech next week but, will not be...
Electronic engine controls , may be removing Hynautic, 3stations. What say experience as to quality and dependability.,?
Yacht looks kinda rough from that pic ?
I do not thing Murphy is covered under Force Majeure. Your situation is one for the lawyers or reasonable people. Is there an arbitration clause...
I cannot find in the US regs where a vessel going into charter ops 6 pak has to become documented as commercial, that is the purchasers concern...
Is currently a Cdn vessel but was built in the US and had been documented there at one time. It's the survey that has him concerned as current...
And finally, what inspection standard do they fall under ? and can they retain pleasure craft registry ?. I have a party interested in...
Let me ask it this way. Under 6 pak operation are berthed passengers allowed. ?
6 pak vessel legal all OK but one ? Is there a restriction on overnight berthed passengers ?
Strictly private personal use ? or possible charter revenue, as absentee owner ? are you a knowledgeable Yachtsman ?
Good point, Tks. Probably easiest way is to go back to N70 injectors, the 65's where put in many yrs ago as a recommendation from a DD mechanic,...
Helping a friend on purchase of these 6-71's, the high idle was close to 2200 I noticed on the guys tack was a look before going down to 600 low...
OK, next step the mechanic want to run at wot for 10 minutes to check all temps , engine power output and any other issues that may come during...
Excellent info, many thanks...
Any info out there on these, I believe the sabre line is actually a Perkins unit, the Ford prefix has me curious if it's a licensing deal or what,...
We are from Vancouver Canada, kept a 43 ft Hatteras in the Charlotte Harbour area for 8 yrs and would fly in for a few months at a time and...
No, did they sell the complete package, turbo'd engine complete, specially the 71 series. ?
Did D.D do any of their own turbos or were all sent out for that, how does one know if they are DD .?