They are allowing deliveries here in BC from the US via water..the dealer or skipper must be registered etc etc and do an immediate turn around...
The ticker tape 2 mins ago stated the the Border is slated to open July 21 st and the Health Ministry will address those concerns later today. So,...
Was on our local news station early this am, our local Min of Health is very concerned here in BC due to the high incidence of 19 in Wa.State.
Re-opening July 21st.
Why can't we just call a spade a spade and not a tool for garden use but not restricted in it's ability unless in unskilled hands.
The Company survives off the taxpayers of Canada, should be sold or closed.
No comment I deleted facebook months ago...but I get the drift lol..
Sorry, mine was not a Burger, was a Stephens, similar scantlings.
When mine was audio-gauged for hull condition the guy tried to do it thro the barrier coat which does not work too well, he was not pleased at...
A friend here in BC, received his update and renewal with the following notes , " Insurers are really shying away from vessels older than 30 yrs...
Interesting world wide stats..
You could try a strong solution of Aluminum Prep, used to clean Al, prior to prep for painting, otherwise you may be into a very cautious try with...
Here in the PNW B.C. the tracker shows we hit the peak of cases on Mar 23 and are seeing a reduction in reported cases every 4 days, very...
If there were 5000 dead from regular flu would you travel ? I know it's a hard decision specially flying in this situation if one has to.
Take someone who has a sensitive sniffer...I have been on a boat that had a reasonably small elect fire, the entire interior was re done but the...
I know Forbes Cooper personally and have since the mid 70's, always found him to be honest and concerned about his reputation, also know one of...
we have 2 US citizens with US boats in the marina, they just leave once a year with the boat, clear back into the US and then return, no taxes no...
a joy to behold.
Provided it is not conjoined with any other property you own in Florida.
I understood the screen cannot be cleaned unless the tranny is pulled, so said the local Cap gear rep.