Jorge, if you've got room in your group for one more rider next time to do the above, please let me know. Love to come along. My day rides this...
My dad was in the business of plastic plumbing fittings. My recollections were that ABS was used in DWV--drain/waste/vent applications, i.e., low...
K1W1, having been through Donna in '60 and all the rest to present here in S. FL, plus Gloria in '85 at the Norwalk Cove Boat Show, I'm kind of...
Gosh, now that you're an expert on fuel additives, you might call your local Volvo shop to become an expert on engine smoking. As in puh-puh-puh pay.
Maybe a mild tequila rage or solvent out of the paper bag. Scotch is too civilized for such discourse, methinks. Weather commentary without big ***** or blonde hair. OK, 'ta tas'
RE: Pascal's #47 above Even better are the bloggers on that WU page's Dr. Jeff segment--they made some early calls before the official info...
We here in Miami were very much "touched"--from torn-off roofs in Sunny Isles to a massive uprooting of century-old trees in Coral Gables and...
The lifetime of the client or the lifetime of the builder?
The 48 is a delightful boat and useful if three staterooms are required. IMHO, the 49 Cockpit is the better choice, given my proclivities toward...
With a nod to Steve Martin's Wild and Crazy Guys SNL routine, it's time to head to the bar and look for girls with dog poop on their shoes.
tegdesign, I think you answered your own question regarding the back porch headroom--unusable.
An answer to the age-old question.....
Hooligans! You kids get off my grass!! [grumble...]
Welcome to YF, David K. You need a Hummer, not a Lotus: the Hatteras, not the Huckins. Other roughwater boats would include Bertram 50/54s,...
Appeared to be deserted throughout the vid. Amazing that she stayed afloat, not to mention on her lines as well. Speaks well of the marque....