BEAU, take a dockwalk or a yard ramble and check out the smaller hullside vents on a Hatteras or two, preferably older ones, and you might find...
In normal times, it's not always easy to sell a boat. In difficult times like these, the opportunities become somewhere between slim and none, so,...
Thanks for sharing this, Brian. Given her origins, she turned out OK in the looks department, though I agree with Lars that the F/B additions...
Thanks, Carl, for the honest assessment. There are other media--aimed at the trade, no less-- who recently touted "serious buyers" and "lots of...
Your 2000 7.3 was indeed a serious motor as it had forged connecting rods. So... The cops will find your ride a short tow away from the local...
Presumably, the previously fastened anchor came loose thus causing the ship to lose the anchor.
Re-read post # 13. These are real-life numbers taken from a real boat. Really.
Wouldn't have been made of beer cans as, back in those days, they were made of steel. No pull-tabs, either... a 'church key' was required to pop...
The US Coast Guard, which has something to say about Hull Identification Numbers, mandates that the hull lay-up date factors into the HIN. The...
keysbearfl: Not sure if the 8V-92s in your 46 are of the fuel-consuming version or the fuel-burn type, but the Official Bertram Yacht...
Carl, Tom--where are you? Where's the pics of all the good-looking stuff and, of course, the babes? Some minor observations for those of you...
The spare shaft tubes on your Bertram are schedule 80 PVC--that's the heavy duty pipe. The forward ends are capped off; the aft ends connect to...
Done properly, a yard will laser-target your drivelines as well as check the shafts with a dial indicator.
The Wagon Wheel restaurant has excellent BBQ and is just west of the SR 29 drawbridge in La Belle.
My bad. A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
The one-legged girls working at the U.S. IHOPs are called 'Eileen', while the ones slaving away in the Tokyo locations are known as 'Irene'....
You might try contacting the builder in Finland who, I'm certain, have the paperwork you require.
Still, in all, (and I guessed 99 as well)------what the heck does ninety nine suggest? He's Jason Taylor (#99) of the Miami Dolphins? I'd...
I love elegant wretched excess like this. Lack of any varnish for weight savings? The bathtub avatar is pretty cool, too.