Hi Ralph-- Adding a 10-foot cockpit to a 58MY, cost was well over $100K back in the '90s...
Hi-- It might be worth your while to subscribe to Boats and Harbors in order to source old 71-Series parts. I believe they are out of Crosby, TN....
You start.
Ah, but Lars, I/Os make a lot of sense.And a double in the vee--how did you manage that!?
Fish, thanks for the tip. As a troglodyte, unfortunately, I don't watch tv (NFL excepted).
Bob Sherman, one of the bean-counters friendliest to the sales guys, mentioned to this writer, that (this is 1988) any Bertram smaller than 37...
Evidence that YF is a zombie-free Forum?
See "Sailing Alone Around The World" by Joshua Slocum. 37-footer. Wood. 1895. No GPS, radios, no engine, nada...
Kudos Judy (honorable mention to Carl) for a Mega Review of a small city masquerading as a yacht. "Hertz where it hurts", indeed. Ha!
Spoke with a noted delivery skipper (IIRC) post-Joaquin who stopped in Clarence Town. He mentioned Father Jerome's (who also had a monastery...
Would wager a helluva lot more comfy than a 13' Boston Whaler when you were 13 years of age...
"Shaved-dog-walking-backwards" joke. Fill in the blanks...
Tom, you outdid yourself at this year's Yachts Beach Miami--err--Miami Yachts Beach--umm--Yachts Miami Beach(!), yeah, that's it. Insightful...
Yer one of the good guys--salute!
CAP, regarding your paragraph #1, I concur 100%, as I found myself exactly in similar situations. Then, and I'm talking mid-'80s, wiser heads...
Please indulge me and hop into this time machine. We are back in the early sixties in Miami, Florida. There is a small, upstart boat company over...
While it's been a while since last posting to this Forum, the Publisher recently encouraged me to re-connect. In running down the list of topics,...
Jim, first and foremost, make sure that all the termites are holding hands. Get it in writing. On a serious note, among your other due diligence,...
SAMS is an outfit (one store is in FLL, the other in NC(?)) that deal in Hatteras replacement parts. Good luck.