Morris was possibly calculating the Life Insurance Policy?
The experts on this situation would be Ward's Electric in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Was a sales guy for a dealer of trawlers built in Suzhou, PRC in the mid-2000s. Boats were overall robust, but plagued with the typical warranty...
Those rotten brokers! BTW, Ralph (post #286 above), what is an SFB? Does it require a BFH to ameliorate?
Forget the name of the company, and there are likely more than one, that manufacture a 'soft' sound shield, i.e., a pipe frame over which is...
which is where the vast majority of my squeaks, rattles, and loose bits come from....) Yes, yes, this is the exotic cars section, didn't lose my...
Just a suggestion, Carl. I notice there is no section here dedicated to DeFever. Art DeFever was the granddaddy of the modern trawler movement,...
Truer words were never spoken. BTW, the 46 hull's strakes were eventually removed (1982-1983?--amidships and after-sections) to reduce wetted...
Interesting posts on the rich guy/poor guy issue. The president of the manufacturer I worked for years ago (hell, decades) had missing hubcaps on...
Norm, that's a good story, and you tell it compellingly. You really use your boat. Like you, I'm in favor of fixing as opposed to repairing,...
Hi Ken--you are undoubtedly correct. I should have said, as you did, 'Maritime Provinces', as the story includes a run up the St. Lawrence at the...
OK, you have all my contact info; please feel free... Early motorcycle breakfast ride on tap, will be home in the afternoon.
How did you like working with Wanda. Met her once at the Newport Show. Just curious, no axe to grind...
Hi Bob-- Not entirely sure, but if you click on my name, and then click on it again when THAT screen pops up, you can reach me. If that doesn't...
Anyone who appreciates this sort of thing ought to pick up a copy of Farley Mowat's "The Boat Who wouldn't Float"--classic, humorous wooden...
The 12V-71 option was the result of one of the dealers (and Detroit Diesel, of course, in an attempt to blunt the 10-cyl. MAN sales) demanding it,...
Given the fact that boats are the most wonderful things in our lives (OK, women, motorcycles, the odd Cessna, and cars are right up there, but...
A small side note to the sparky cars that are now in vogue... Down in Miami, at the Pinecrest Library parking lot (Sparky Car Country!) I...
PacBlue, you are not the first to use that term... Good observation!
You are right as rain. Gotta view the whole enterprise as an automobile manufacturer in terms of labor efficiency to make it sing. It gets better...