Concerns would include whether or not there is sufficient onboard storage for all the spare w/s wiper motors/blades required for long term visibility.
You guys are good! I'd have suspected the bilge rats endemic to that particular autopilot model scurrying back and forth between the sensor and...
100+ years of tradition and the Lo bros. continue on... Commercial stuff as well, at least in the past.
Am going to stick my neck wayyyyy out and opine that...dere will be travel time involved.
+1 Forty years in the Boat Bidness, and one of the best Round The World boats I was ever involved with was the Seaton/Neville-designed 63 Cheoy...
"allisions" are what, exactly?
It was either that or Centimes or Centavos...hadda flip a coin (twice) to decide.
Yes, apologies, the other no longer a viable entity. Your wife, unlike Steve's bride, likely did not come up through blow boats...
+1 Ward. Steve Dashew has been at this game for long enough to understand what works, and I agree with the choice of a metal (Al, in his case)...
Now, I'm not saying she's not easy on the eye, but this one has more sharp edges/angles than a stealth fighter. OTOH, she has more style than the... we can't hear him at all.
Aquatic motocross. Blimey!
I believe you, Fish. While onboard my abode (safely moored here on my street), I woke up in the middle of the night to the odor of...something...
"The string of yacht fires raises the question: Is there something about these multimillion-dollar investments that makes them susceptible to...
Well, I guess we'll all find out about Cats now, won't we.
Persistence....perseverance...however you wish to term it, Carl, you might wish to consider a new subset/sub-section in YF for thems who take on...
Oh. Not even a BFH will fix that. The old expression: "Ignorance can be fixed, but stupid is forever."
Not mentioned thus far in this thread, but certainly worth noting, is that elderly Bertrams (and Hats & others), such as Ralph's 58, have a 32VDC...
Ah, you knew this was coming... [MEDIA]