Seaview does a fabulous fabrication of semi custom masts.
More like this bad boy? 227 foot superyacht shadow vessel with forward helo pad and hangar....
Race 1 was boring, I hope there is more breeze as they go for the Cup. I am behind on my AC watching, so I will get to race 2 now. I don't know...
OP seems long gone, but this is a great thread to keep alive for those looking for stand up ER. Mine is half stand up. Storage, fuel tanks and...
These syndicates are so competitive, Sir Ben is taking no quarter. I heard tell he was recently robbed of his Rolex an knife point, it that...
All done with wood intact.
No, but I have had sun bleached wood inside refinished in a Californian. I found chatting with other Navigator/Californian owners helpful, I...
Benicia. Great marina, Super quaint downtown walkable from marina.
I missed all the action, I will have to catch up on the Tube. I still wear my Oracle stuff I purchased from the comeback in San Fran. That was my...
Pizzazz7, you have the experience, the calculations are fine but there are so many variable that are not accounted for in many calculations. Sea...
Really something to imagine. These things are on the edge for sure. I find the Sail GP series to be more fabulous as they are going downwind at...
Riva 48 getting 0.9nmpg @ 20 knots. Wow. That is one efficient set up, no?
Navigators where and still are big in Oregon and Washington, some in Cali. It is a fine west coast bar hoping hull. Columbia river up to the San...
Roger that.
I use this, on all boat vinyl including scum lines on dink and SUPs. I am not sure about Stamoid. I, too, had never heard the word before. I've...
MJM 4 True North 34 Tiara 38LS- not complete closed pilot house though. Nimbus Regal 36 XO, 38 XO Quarken 35 from Finland Plenty of Jeanneau...
Really nice report from @Adopo. Bravo!
What's the scoop on the Allseas 96' in SoCal?
Perhaps. Time will tell. My senator and rep from OR where not interested in my questions about their Atlantic Coast boat speed limit regulations.
They will probably make a dent. See what I did there?! Seriously agree with your caution. One usually gets what they pay for, I know not always...