These kayakers are taken surprise by a humpback whale breaching right next to their kayak!
This is the first video I have seen of Perini's new 45m project C.2283! [MEDIA]
A new video of Ann G from Heesen! Truly a thing of beauty the way Ann G cuts through the water at the bow under speed. A sight to behold,...
Some great video of Perinis sailing in windy conditions healed over on the 3rd day of the Perini Navi Cup 2015. It was so windy in fact that...
Great videos, thanks for posting! I especially like seeing how this size yacht handles rough seas and how they look at speed so I really enjoyed...
Check out the latest vid of Ulysses looking like the day she was launched! [MEDIA]
Thanks OB, you learn something new every day on this forum thanks to folks like you!!!
Heesen just put up this video of their 37 metre ILONA looking pretty in all white puttering along at 28 knots in the Med. [MEDIA]
Are there not construction bonds available for the completion of large yacht projects?
Yep, read all about it in the Daily Mail!...
Is this where you are talking about? I think...
The ones I deal with here in Ft Lauderdale and Norfolk, VA do, call some of them and find out what they have in your own area.
Could be something as simple as someone forgot to renew the url and someone else snatched it up to sell it back for an outrageous price.
Any Perini Navi over 150' and any Jon Bannenberg design!
Google "start career in yachting" and you will find all the information you need! Here is a post with some good advice....
Here is the mother of all yacht conversions Yas based on the hull of a former navy frigate! [MEDIA]
Crystalline is available in a clear film that is not "tinted", I have it installed on the windshield of my car and it keeps the dashboard so much...
She is a real beauty! [MEDIA]
Ah, so this is how they get those massive canting keel fins and masts installed on IMOCA Ocean Masters! [MEDIA]