Not necessarily: [ATTACH]
Call me cynical but I interpret "difficulty breathing' as having an anxiety attack brought on by being scared witless.
That is extremely unlikely.
It looks like someone got hurt when the "event" occurred and everyone freaked out. If the reports are correct the boat was only a couple of hours...
That doesn't necessarily mean anything other than the owner decided he had nothing to gain by remaining in class. The cost savings are substantial...
The speed of the whole affair seems a bit peculiar ... unless a major component of the seawater system instantly failed catastrophically one would...
Keep in mind that those calculations were made in a test cell and involve a clearly defined set of conditions that may or may not actually exist...
The TU-114 civil airliner version set the speed record for propeller driven aircraft. It reached Mach .78 (.73 in some articles) or 540mph in...
Not just Russian. Here is a link to a good explanation of why they are used in helicopters....
The added cost and complexity of shafting, seals, and reduction gearing very quickly outpaces the relatively minor benefits that might accrue to a...
They will be eternally grateful to you for creating a thread titled with the company name on one of the most popular boating sites.
A tort is a civil action ... it is not a criminal action. Anyone can sue anyone for anything. All it takes is a lawyer looking for a boat payment...
Private exterior?
No, we just need more people to submit videos that show what "drones" can bring to the visual enjoyment of yachting. There are probably enough...
Look but don't touch is the only rule that applies. The "drone" driver has as much right to hover nearby as she does to enjoy the sunshine. We...
I believe that if you tried to chase someone away you might be disappointed. While you may have a "right" to privacy while within the confines...
Boat owners have no more "right to privacy" in public places (the water) than any other private citizen occupying a public place. You have the...
Finally someone pointed out the elephant in the room. Unfortunately it is a symptom of the growing nanny state, hyperactive control freak, fear...
I think what it all boils down to is we are going to have to reconsider, redefine, and hopefully codify what we believe, think, or desire to be...