Most of the "questions" you asked are answered long before the hardware arrives in the engine room. There is no "magic" involved. Jorge is...
Are you saying a windmilling propeller increases the load on an idling engine to the point of an overload induced stall?
Ah ha ... you have not been listening to the right voices or in the right places. :)
Size is definitely a major problem. Most boats with a 3500 series engine or similar already use a very large muffler and the volume occupied by...
The purity of the water and quality control required for DEF that will not destroy the SCR catalyst or clog the injection nozzle or swirl devices...
" ... is this technology expected to be a permanent fixture or even a law enacted in that respect to be used in boats any time soon?"...
In the United States the flag state maritime authority is called the U.S. Coast Guard. It is charged with enforcing compliance with a set of rules...
The requirement is not related to who or how many have heard of an issue, it is a fire safety matter formalized by regulation. Not following the...
Contact the yacht's flag state maritime administration and those of the nations whose waters you intend to operate. They are the best source of...
"What's the cost of these 5 year inspections?" How long is a piece of string? How long has it been out of class? The longer since class was...
Here is the doppleganger:
Boiled linseed oil used to be used as it will polymerize to form a corrosion resistant coating. The space is filled to cover all the area then...
You don't need a training course, you need a flag state endorsement based on your current CoC. Look on the back of your boat, what country's...
I suggest sending all qualifying certificates to yacht's flag state for evaluation with the objective of flag state issuing a yacht limited...
Thanks K1W1, Before you had them use Hydrox do you know if they were they going to use some other brand of green lube (blue in Germany I guess)...
Are there any readers who use any form of biodegradable lubricants - also called "green" or "environmentally acceptable lubricants" (EALs) on...
Hi Zibi, Having come to yachting from your world, I fully understand your frustration. With the proliferation of very large yachts, those over...
Regulation is what bureaucrats do, it is the only thing they do. It is what feeds them and breeds them. Reducing regulatory momentum is to them...
Google "tonnage openings" to learn how such design features are used to circumvent certain regulatory issues related to tonnage measurements. Read...
A finite number of cycles only applies to the viewports. Acrylic ports are limited to 10,000 cycles or 40,000 hours whichever comes first....