This is "engine" was designed by electrical engineers... runs without gas or diesel fuel
Yes... and you would like machining kugelmotor cylinders??? too. I cannot imagine how they build it but apparently it exists.
Paut Motor This looks promising... some of the pistons act as air pumps for the others... no rods... reciprocating crankshaft... yes the whole...
WARNING This is only for unconventional engines... If it looks like it will seize up... not ever start... overheat... fall apart... is...
YF you might want to downsize that picture! I am not mechanically inclined enough to !
Well maybe there's just a little bit more involved... but simplifying it and explaining it to you guys is like trying to explain: "Wham Bam...
Makes going to a turbine look easy... Anyway... what needs to be done gets done! I have often wondered why they just don't: 1. haul the...
This reminds me of times of my youth... Starting a Kelvin 3 cylinder...
Well... this does solve one problem. Starting an old lister to pop the head off easy.
Engine videos Love these old Gardners.... Marmot is in severe deja vous and may have to be readmitted to rehab over this... sorry. First is...
I posted this somewhere in this thread... but Lookie... C32's being replaced as the owner just wants the latest and greatest... No big...
I think we need TO START OUT THE WEEK with a little "Une Île Tranquille" for this thread. Oh,...
The French have refined this taxation to include anything the French Flag touches... like the rest of world is a big conductor and France is the...
Internal Engining Cooling. Yes, that is not nucleate boiling... it is film boiling and is what is to be avoided. And, you are right it takes...
Basically those tests are not development tests. They are qualification tests part of what is call in military circles "type classification". It...
Technical Ideas Boy oh boy did the Buck engine encounter some market resistance here. Be that as it may it is a good concept that needs more...
I am very tired tonight and its getting late. But I wanted to say a few things. It is the hardest thing in the world to startup one of these...
Reading over the thread I really didn't think it would be about just one engine type. But I do have some comments as to the Buck engine and it is...
Wondering on these if they built one... Well they did......
The marine pleasure boat market for outboards and small inboard is pretty large, but it is a niche market. And, the market segment that Neander...