Thank you all very much the comments great... every post has been very helpful... and I do like to put a little humor in the posts sometimes....
Perhaps the best way of explaining is this: When I was a kid about 10 years old I wanted a 25 foot / 7.6 meter schooner made from plywood with a...
no K1W1 now quite that down low but maybe happiness is found simply! I swear I am serious... I really am... After yesterday's visit to my...
Did not quite know where to post this in General Yachting Discussion or Technical... but it is about eliminating technical aspects so its in the...
Lots of ideas floating around in my knoggin (sorry like the k on the front) lately. As it is a racer / cruiser why not just eliminate everything...
It is not far off... Strange it is... with oil dropping and green energy being...
A little frenchie song to go along with the sailing....
Pauvres enfants regardent ce que que vous avez manqué.... so so Lookie what you missed... yachties..... Preview [MEDIA] Jour 1 [MEDIA] Jour...
Thanks... great article and defines much on sail boat design. I am surprised and thinking on not by that the hull vane works better at angles of...
[IMG] That U rudder deal never went anywhere... heavens I have thought about a ring shaped rudder for a long time... Here is a Swan 90...
I seem to remember something... like but I don't think it was a hull vane exactly.
Earlier in the thread... I posted a reasonable hotel suggestion about 1.5 miles / 3km from the venue within reasonable walking distance. Traffic...
Innomare I had not heard of this could you tell us more or have a picture/drawing of what this was like? Lets say you had a sail yacht for...
Well... sounds all good and K1W1 advice is better than I could do... ! I don't think you are really taxing them... 1800-1900 rpm... they go to...
I would guess considering conditions in the Red Sea you are normal. I would keep the heat exchangers checked more regularly. Those engines are...
Every year starting on Bardot's birthday the Sails of Saint Tropez sail boat race happens. Its just after the Monaco boat show.. and a reason...
Great Pictures... the SOF, Yachts and sunny blue skies go together like wine, crisp crusted bread and a little aioli. With these great...
Heavens no.... other more important traditions to attend too! Well today is Brigitte Bardot's 80th birthday... a couple little joys On the...
Natuzzi.... some hints. Early birds do get the best... maybe. My advice is don't drive... but if you must and arrive late go to one of the...
Appears I not only burst Monaco's bubble... killed the thread... AGAIN! But there are lots of pretty young girls to turn your head......