The gentleman actually got good service from his engine before it gave up the ghost. And, I am sure will keeping the drains in the inlet system...
Couldn't get to sleep... so called a friend in California with 50 years experience in engine development and engineering... evening there good...
That is the correct recommendation. Detroits are hugely reliable engines and last a long time. But your situation is hard because of the...
Why in your particular case is the oil is your light but severe use. If you were a commercial guy running the engine 8 hrs or more every day......
I wrote that post before you did the post on using 40 wt.
Now I really do not think it was the lack of ash... rating in this case: As would be the case in a run all the time engine in commercial use....
Good thing I don't go to bed very early... Read the Delo400 data sheet... "Delo 400 monograde oils are not recommended for use in DDC two-stroke...
Dockmaster, Although, I am a little late to comment... you did the right thing. Considering your use of the boat in hours per year; satisfactory...
Danvilletim... If you go and visit the Castagnoia yard... they have a nice 18m sport fisherman for sale... been up on the market quite awhile......
Well most of the Italian built wooden hull Med. boats are planning type with top speeds between 25 and about 35 knots max. The larger end is...
Here is a really nice aluminum Striker... in excellent shape....
AffrayedKnot is absolutely right about the debt is directly tied to the mortgaged or promised as security property. Let me be the ignorant buyer...
Well it is very late here but I will explain a little more. Quite often significant assets are protected by turning the asset into a derivative....
Why I bring this up is I have not seen posts as to the issue here on Yachtforums... and it is a real concern. Generally on large yachts they are...
This question has been in the back of my mind for a long time. How to tell if a yacht has a lien on it or other legal trap? With many yachts...
Brian... pretty much anything that burns can be used to power a turbine that is comparable with the fuel system components. For example, a...
A trick or two on K1W1 comment as to checking with Prussian Blue: 1. Line the shaft so the keyways are horizontal, not vertical either up or down,...
That all said, if I were to want to play with alternative fuels. Fumigation of diesel engine with natural gas, liquified petroleum gas or...
Warning to the less than wise. Well the fuel due to environmental legislation has evolved to very purified and tightly control levels over the...
Blue Ghost... no one would have a mega yacht to self serve frozen pizza. It like a PRIVATE luxury spa or hotel... where the guests enjoy pampered...