I have a marine general contractor in the Daytona are who is excellent. He charges for certain work and doesn't for other work. For instance, he...
My 12V71 TI engines were overhauled recently. If they need to be done, pull them out and overhaul in the shop. Approx $45k each. The dyno...
Thanks very much. I removed the filter and it steers easier. I took your advise and removed the reservoir from the wall and dumped the contents...
Can you tell me where to find the sintered iron filter on my Hynautic reservoir? My helm is ultra stiff and has been rebuilt, ram has been...
My Nikon StabilEyes Water Proof 14x40 4 degree binoculars are amazing. They are 5 years old and still amaze me every time I use them.
Looks like she ran aground under power to me. Ouch.
I would count on a full rebuild of that engine (that needs a top overhaul). So, that's around $18k plus count on $5k-$10k for all that goes into...
Imagine the amount of money that person wasted. Then try not to do that. Generally, changing to different power to or one instead of two is an...
It's difficult to find good people so the industry is having a difficult time. Kids these days all want to go to college and many have no idea...
My 12V71TI's produce 860hp on the dyno. The turbo's are: Part Number R5101513 and the injectors are: Part Number R5229715 (9215 Injector). My...
I just replaced a block on one of my 12V71TI engines with a block from Diesel Pro Power. 888-433-4735 dieselpro.com I needed a block and my...
I have a $10k set of props on my Bertram and I think that is very expensive. Thanks for reminding me how economical my boat is! And ... if the...
When my Bertram 54' is running again, I plan to create a schedule for running the boat even if I cannot do it myself. My maintenance person...
Wow ... looks amazing to me. Was that the original design? My 48" Sub Zero was incredibly difficult to get in my house much less onto a boat....
It's likely that a boat with outboards has fewer systems to worry about. Regarding the engine ... got screwed by Saunders Marine - Orange Beach...
Maybe something a little smaller like a Grady White 370. That said, I too believe that continuous maintenance and regular use is the key. I'm...
I used picture hanging wire and a couple of extra screws (wrapped the wire around a couple of the screws) .. my oil on canvas paintings have not...
I have never seen exterior gold labeling on a Bertram but I'm no authority. I would contact Danny at High Tide Marine - hightidedp at aol dot com...
She looks proud .. who did the paint job?