hamburg [MEDIA]
1000 ısland canada [MEDIA]
malaga night time [MEDIA]
croatia [MEDIA]
finally sold
for sale,45 million$ (The price is a bit high) A few of my favorite single-handed used yacht prices: dragonfly 73m. 27million$(2009 build)...
dry dook [ATTACH] a mey yacht captain explain (english sub. possible) [MEDIA]
some news says owner russian but not true,actualy african living african owner and for sale
for sale 25.900.000 euro [MEDIA]
last refit after game room. simulator system brand sim-lab & fia licensed d-box g5 actuator system owner need racing and fly realisim. [ATTACH]
not refit,after-sales warranty repair or correction (this normal prosedure) Due to the Russian invasion, the mine and factory belonging to the...
monaco yacht show 2024 will be exhibited [ATTACH]
45m 388gt beam 8.9m hull & superstructure aliminium exterior sinot design ( first bridge design shaped like a water drop) orginal desing 112m...
monaco yacht show 2024 will be exhibited
wismarer germany [MEDIA]
dartmouth uk & owner [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
australia [MEDIA]