Looks a pretty universal issue . A lot of stuff here theses guys and myself have coincided , the bolt wobble ....
I did 5 DIY annuals and we used ( went through the range ) of locktight thread loc .Even went to the rouble to dry the inside of the prop bolt...
Starting to make sense . Now the internal hex of the anode bolt is filled . https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/p/d/b40066996/ They will be doing the...
Actually risking being of accused of over thinking this? Wont the white stuff squirted in fill the internal hex of the bolt head , thus if the...
The prop nuts are nibril or similar and the anode bolts going in S Steel . When I used to DIY the annual lift in France we used a blue thread lock...
You might see it better on this vid ? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6jN08Zg2R38 [ATTACH] The yard deal in mostly super yachts with normally a...
Does anyone know what this white waxy paste is stuffed up the 60mm hex anode on the prop bolt ? Presume due to anti-clockwise rotation ( the...
Looking at the pic I notice overspray on the pipe .Not related to your issue , but as a side issue I never like to see it because it tells me the...
FWIW we just completed a 28 day stint on our two cabin 4 berth 42/48 . Did not feel cramped or camping like .They have huge cockpits . That’s a...
Take a look at the Itama range .The 62 or older 55 with 1360 Mans tops out at 42 knots on shafts .They do a myriad of older smaller . it’s just...
Yes prob to the flap anodes are on both sides of the flap so 4 of them . 20 yr old metal work here .The prop bolts designed to accept an anode ....
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6jN08Zg2R38 MAN separate transom anodes .Connected by what looks like a huge copper strip running above bilge...
Agree with Capt Ralph , they all look and perform on test bed at the manufacturers and sure look good at static boat show stands . I would go as...
There should be a owners manual somewhere.Failing that email Sunseeker they will send you one .Explains how the boat works + what all the switches...
Use a hand held infra red gauge on the thermostat house or HE body to determine if the sensors / dash instruments are accurate .
Take a look @ Frigomar . They do smaller chillers and run brushless D.C. motors requiring very low amps and zero start spike .Almost silent as...
We have a 3 burner induction run from a Masse 3.5 kv . Works fine the few times we use it @ anchor .You need a fresh set of induction pans .See...
FWIW from circa 2018 all Ferretti group plastic boats across the range are transparent Vac bagged .They then after quality control spray paint...
Organise a test drive of the two prospects in choppy seas . One will be the clear winner .Shaft MAN vs of the Squeeker btw . Theres only so far...
I think you will find the answer is no . It’s batt bank is just too tiny for a inverter to power up that AC . Needs shorepower.