I'm with Pascal and Capt. Kilbride on the use of the plotter. As for the Ipad; I agree that the biggest down side is readibility and the screen...
try these folks: x-change-r.com
Too many factors to speculate, but icing of the topsides is usually at the top of the list for that type of incident in that location which is why...
Call Ted Kasper at Allmarine Systems in WPB, 305-205-4208. He fixed my Nautical Structures davit and rebuilt the hydro pump. Agree w/Pascal, NS...
Jay Suro 786-360-4486. Small businessman; very good and a great person.
That was the sort of set up on my old Viking; The were just Tee-d off before the lines ran into the accumulator tank. The pressure on the AC...
Having just done Palm Beach to Miami, be aware that almost all of the bridges operate on schedules, so plan on a lot of waiting. I took it in 2...
Congratulations Pascal; will she be chartered, too? Name?
So far, we haven't noticed anything on the ICW in North Palm Beach or here at Old Port Cove. There is a warning about no swimming at Peanut...
Nothing to add; just thanks to all the commentators for a thoughtful, respectful and informative discussion.
Pascal, on my X-Caliber Headhunters, 3 flashing reds mean "Over Water Temperature". Check to make sure that you are getting water into the unit....
I have Headhunter Calibers, not the larger Mach 5, but one of mine showed the same symptoms before dying completely and requiring replacement....
I agree; the chances of this actually happening are slim to none - for a variety of reasons: logistical, engineering, financial, and commercial.
Made the trip in my 55'; arch folds to allow 19' clearance.
According to the Salty Southeast update I received yesterday, the boat has been located: UPDATE: The yacht has been located, no details are...
Yes, probably the duck bills - 2 upstream and 2 downstream. Lube w/ Vaseline, make sure you have them oriented correctly, and don't tighten the...
I've always thought of diesels as big air pumps and that an intake blower was not needed for regular operation, but only to cool down the ER after...
When I worked commercial, random drug tests were a Coast Guard requirement. Is that no longer so?
I thought attendance was on par with last year at both the Yacht & Brokerage show and MIBS. What has noteworthy was the predominance of new boats...
All the larger new boats are at the Yacht & Brokerage show along Collins. The new boat display at Sea Isle is a mere shadow of its former self,...