Any proof? Or merely slandering for fun?
Thanks for the information; very interesting.
Yes, knew the cap’ns were different. Since the boat is the same, that implies that the Below Deck show is a bare boat charter. Is that correct?
Question: Is the motor yacht My Seanna in the tv show Below Deck the same My Seanna recently named as the vessel commanded by Frasier Yacht’s...
The Yacht Show was always the draw for us. We purchased our current boat there. But, the location on MB was the key. We stayed on the beach and...
Me too, a decision I regret to this day.
This is my guess. Probably need a Cat guy to clear the computer code.
I would be surprised if a bridge AC drained into either a sump or bilge. More likely, it would connect to a common drain for the galley sink or...
Miami Marine Stadium has the most protection.
see the Waterways Guide web site for most recent marinareports, changes daily.
FWIW, in my trip planning, I always include a lay day every third day to account for fueling, re-supplying, resting the cap'n and crew and repairs.
That's likely. When we were in Fort Pierce, their new docks had very sensitive GFI which tripped on nearly every boat with an inverter.
I have a 2000 era Thermador electric range that is displaying a fault code of "F-1" accompanied by a beeping alarm. This condition began when we...
Again, not enough information. But, assume that the hired captain has been retained to deliver a smallish private vessel from point A to point B,...
No offense intended, but have you ever crewed on a vessel? Are you expecting that this 1 day trip to become a regular paying job with just this...
"It is indeed often the case that fuel is not the major annual budget item." This. If you're not buying fuel, you're not using the boat and if...
My $0.02. I'm not familiar with the Raritan brand products, but I've experienced a similar problem on my Headhunters that traced back to the...
My 65’ Pacific Mariner was built in Washington state and only has one chiller. It does the job for us, but later models were built with 2...