For obvious reasons, I suggest the Travis McGee series by John D. MacDonald. A bit dated, especially in the attitude towards women, but fine...
No, Summer Wind by Sinatra
Well, if you're interested in mine, I'd be happy to discuss it with you and show you my most recent survey done this month. But, you should...
Pascal, as you ae probably aware, I respect your knowledge on all things boating, but, respectfully, I think it's time for you to change the channel.
I'm not a medical expert, but I do listen to them. Your decision should be influenced by your, and your family's age, general health and...
Pretty significant; several bow rails pulled completely off, much fiberglass damage. Couldn't see all of it as the boats were attempting to cover...
Not the boat show, the Yacht Show. Saw the damage, talked to a neighboring skipper who wasn’t there at the time, but said he was told that the...
Thanks, Capt J.
I am not familiar with the term "blueprinted" ["I had the turbos blueprinted"]. Could you explain?
Don’t know your situation, but for me it’s too much money and too much uncertainty to be rushed into. You made this bed, but you don’t have to...
"im under a lot of pressure to close fast from the brokers, who say the deal will go fast if i dont take it." This doesn't make sense to me, if...
Literally it is the least you could do, so do it in private or on an appropriate forum.
Thank you for stating this. We can't let this forum become another Facebook.
Probably an appropriate question, but kind of odd to post it on Christmas morning.
Colder weather means turning on electrical heaters that are rarely, if ever, used.
All good points, so my contribution is to ask you to honestly define what you mean by storage. If all you want is have a place for the boat to...
Can’t answer the specific question, but my thruster works off the PTO on my 20 kw genny, stabilizers off the starboard main.
Being on the flybridge does not equal being at the controls. What station was active: bridge, helm, port, starboard, er? In the Below Deck...
There was a episode of Below Deck [yes, I know] where that same thing happened. On the show, Capt. Lee diagnosed the problem as involving the...