Why wouldnt it be a US built boat? The number of hours spent to finish the boat after the hull is ready so so much more than spent in the hull.......
Common sense? heheheh sorry couldnt resist :p I must have come across at least 2 of these as I was unaware there were 3! (how stupid of me), and...
I agree, and i said exactly that... plus, the delivery crew is likely to have been small but rested... on a charter the rotation is much more...
we just love speculation :) Some of us are trying to dissect real facts... possible causes etc, some good ideas... (albeit still speculations),...
I dont understand your question Pelagic Dreams? These vessels ARE indeed run like many navy/commercial vessels, and often their captains and...
There is a difference between the "charter crew" (where the number of crew of 15 comes from), the "owner cruising" crew (which may or not be the...
I agree with both of the last comments, nonetheless, they refer to different yachts... The yacht in question here, was submitted to...
K1W1, according to the press release, she was built to the "cheaper code", she does adhere to both - either way I wouldnt bet there'd be enough...
Saying that it is unreal without knowing the size of the hole is...
Look at the size of that yacht, its not a question of a simple minor exhaust leaks and a couple of pumps short.... please lets not start taking...
Just checked the CI guide, for them it would be 7, so i suppose manning was alright... obviously that wasnt the "crew" (i.e. full crew), they...
Terrible... I am quite curious as to the sequence of problems that must have led to this terrible material loss. Thankfully the crew were...
Also happens in cars.... but I also agree that being alone in a boat should be an exception and not a rule...
Since on the topic, at least somewhat, what are the different (similar) types of protection/maintenance/running mats that yachts have? When...
I will investigate more... we did just respray part of our boat... it was initially fully painted around 06 or so... it is still shiny and all...
Depending on color and under continuous use I've not been able to get above 5... Other threads incl the alexseal dicussion seem to say more or...
But still, you got two Nycap! ;)
An awlgrip job every 2 - 3 yrs on its own will be around 50k+! anyways, like I said, my experience is in a differente bracket of service so it...