Do they, really? It seems to me that you've been unable to elect a half decent president in the last 60 years oro so. Might as well toss a coin,...
Your location suggests that you will go to FLIBS to promote the Marina di Porto Rotondo. If so, in your boots I'd rather arrange a tasting of filu...
Trouble is, 10kt could mean either running at 1000rpm and very low load on a planing boat, or WOT on a large and heavy trawler, with anything in...
It looks like "Murphy Switchgage" (whatever that means) is written above the lens.
Yup, low level alarm is indeed the most reasonable guess. Interestingly, such alarm is already included as standard in my 800hp V8 - even if MAN...
What do you mean other than boat owners? . . . ...Sorry, couldn't resist! :D
In this respect, I fully agreed with your OP comments, and also with the others that followed from Fjol70, Pascal, and CRalph (in a nutshell:...
Well, if nothing else, goes to prove that at Denison they are as clueless in their advertising as those youtubers, about VZ boats. :D BTW, it's...
Well, I gave you the exact sizes of the boat they toured, to start with. Happy to post also the dimensions of the actual VZ 56 or any other...
Do you mean aside from not having a clue about what they are talking about? In one of their recent video, they toured a "VZ 56 FLY" - at least,...
Are you are referring to the engine in the title of this thread? If so, being 100% mechanical, it wasn't supplied with the engine control display...
The latter, surely. It would be a pity to throw the baby out with the bathwater... :D
Facts check at the Daily Mail? You must be joking. It isn't called also Daily Fail for nothing!
Butch, if the OP has V10 1050hp engines, we are definitely talking of the D2840LE403 version. They were the first MAN electronically controlled...
Yup, 22 is precisely what I meant. Never heard of 21, and neither of what CR is saying. Then again, with electronic gizmos, the sky is the limit...
Let me guess, did they show a totally silly number for engine hours? That's a notorious fault of MMDS boards/displays, just a matter of when...
If by 406 you mean your V8/900 CRM, where did you see them marked as 406? In all MAN papers I've seen, they are referenced as 423 - in fact, I'm...
Because I am (often, I must say!) annoyed by your I-know-it-all comments, that's why. Leaving aside the fact that your spelling is wrong, I...
Clutching at straws by moving goalposts now? What will you tell us next, after suggesting to use the finger, that you managed thousands of boats...
CJ, have you ever heard the expression "when in a hole, stop digging"? I didn't want to stress how silly your previous suggestion that without the...