If you already mentioned that, I missed it. How come? I hope that's not for health reasons, as it just happened to a boating mate of mine.
I bet it does. At 125 lbs on a 59' boat, also a brick would hold OK... :D
CR, just a thought: if you like the style of your existing faucet (I don't to be honest, but each to their own), you may try to open it and see...
Yep Liam, I know. But would you dare bashing into a 4m+ head sea with a Shamal, even with nobody else onboard? o_O :D PS: that's the boat of...
I'm sure it is, but your hull photo suggests it's rather the prop that could be not so happy. Such a big transducer right ahead of it is bound to...
"Very slight" is of course a bit subjective, but FWIW I've yet to come across any powerboat which I would describe as having no very slight...
Either I missed that thread back then, or my memory is fading faster than I thought!o_O Great reading anyhow, thanks for the link.
You should have moved a bit further north, up to Anacortes. For all their faults, I must say that at Northern Marine they were remarkably kind and...
Really? Mind, I have no reasons to doubt of your knowledge/experience, but as an Italian and as a Mediterranean boater, I never (and I mean it!)...
Guys, I fully understand the principle. But a twin compressors chiller works exactly in the same way as two single compressor chillers, for any...
True, in principle. But in practice, I never heard of anything but a compressor failing, in a chiller unit. And one faulty compressor has...
Aha, I see. I assumed that the only reason for two separate chillers was to place them in different parts of the boats, each connected to its own...
In terms of redundancy, it's actually the other way round: in your setup, if one pump fail, you lose whatever half of the boat that chiller unit...
It's actually 19 years old in my boat - I did write "my 2004 boat", didn't I? But yes, I've seen also similar pumps on other boats which are still...
I'm not familiar with Oberdorfer raw water pumps because they are unheard of, around here. But if that's what their lifespan is supposed to be,...
By the time a stainless steel pipe whose interior is in contact with diesel 24/7 (without any air inside it!) will start rusting due to a little...
Replacing just about anything is always a good advice, but by the same token, the OP could as well replace the whole boat with a brand new one......
Coming to think of it, you might be right. Filu 'e ferru could well be considered as dangerous as nitroglycerine, by anyone not used to drink...
I've lost count of the times I heard about such recommendations. Which makes me wonder why so few builders use all s/steel fuel pipes, as I have...
Only goes to prove that I know what I'm talking about! :D That said, call me romantic if you wish, but I still spell Country with a capital C.