From what I've heard, they've already proved the effectiveness on a couple of ocean crossings. I'm definitely intrigued....
As I come from a slightly different sector, I'm quite abreast of technology and this particular vessel is using SolarPower Solar Panels X-Series....
LOL... I'm looking at something that's powerful as you can imagine from this Avatar selected for my profile, But this silent yacht is something I...
Does anyone own a Silent Yacht or know someone who owns one? I'd love to hear your experience....
For the integrity of the thread, I'm omitting the brand with the electric motors. I can say it is very different from the AB brand in all...
The plan is to have 3 boats... The speedster AB80, and two others I'm not mentioning in this forum as not to ruin the integrity or focus. I have...
Electric (Does have a diesel generator on board to recharge the batteries really swiftly on long voyages)
This is definitely on the list. I'm looking at other options alike. More specifically, something that's a whole lot more fuel efficient. My...
Very true but.... I'm more looking for a Captain in the looser sense for hire that would shuttle (my lazy behind {Laughing Hysterically}) and my...
Are you planning to attend any shows in either Miami or the surrounding areas in 2022?
You mention New York. That's where I'm from... That's where all of my family is (including my children). Is that something you do regularly?
In this category, I'm looking at two thing. One would be limited to the ICW and GCW and the other is Trans-Atlantic. If permissible, I'll post a...
I'm looking a few Yachts, and the AB80 is one...... The Luxurious Speedster. I will likely wind up with two. Something that's ridiculous and...
I don't know about AB yachts being soo cheap at resale, but I can tell you one thing for sure. They are absolutely extraordinary when one thinks...
Has anyone heard about the Arkup75 and Arkup40? These also are Huge Yachts, not in the traditional sense, but they are fully decked out and of...
I'm trying to figure out how to PM you (LOL).
I've been looking lately at the Catamaran MFR'd by Silent Yachts. These seem incredible in concept. Has anyone had any experience with a vessel...
Now that was foolish..... smh.....
A thing of Beauty [ATTACH] [ATTACH]