The CFRs are always headache inducing but the way I read it, over 65’ the one FE per 1000hp seem to apply. We re 209GT so I haven’t looked at the...
Is it a Volvo extended warranty or third party? What does the contract say about labor ?
That’s a new one to me: in addition to the previous requirements, it turns out that boats over 65’ now need to carry extra fire extinguishers in...
Couple of weeks ago, lightning struck about 300 yards from my slip, off the bow on my 53. No damage. Ten minutes later as I was working in the...
I think it’s about the design: were the doors manually opened and closed or were they mecanically actuated. on MYs, I have had both. The...
A few more details including testimony from the deck hand who was on watch stating the captain got back on board after being ejected and rescued...
I m always amazed at how YouTubers find a way to make regular everyday stuff so dramatic. and what kind of captain goes down to the ER in an...
Glad you are asking questions. Nothing drives me nuts more than reading a book where clearly the author is completely clueless about boats (or...
The readings don’t mean much. You have to get a reading at the hottest pint in the cooling system which will be at the temp sender, at the...
Interesting I go on the amount of water that could get in very quickly as well as ballast finally a good drawing for the “keel” which is not a...
Has to be one of the sensors. I always carry a full set of spares: oil and temp as well as water flow and exhaust temp if equipped like on Ohnos...
We ve had a walker Bay 450 (15’ ) for about 8 years now with a 75 Honda. Great tender. We have had 8 or 9 adults on board and it gets on plane....
AIS shows ICE making a loop into that cove. Weird. Even if it seems dangerous to tie the stern so far away, ICE hit the numarine, not the line...
The witness reports are conflicting. While some say she went down by the bow, the captain of the classic schooner who rescued the survivors said...
Here you go: “ My last sailing vessel was a 19' Hobie. If this weight is needed for stability it would seem to add some significant concern when...
Comparing a hobie to a big keel boat? That’s funny…
Not a good season in the med! the 90 meter Lurssen ICE has hit a Numarine in Turkey. Looks like the Numarine was tied stern to shore, or maybe...
you can see matching opening on the inside of the port side in that picture. Cockpit drain
They really lucky it didn’t fall down a few seconds earlier. That would have been game over.
Could also be air outlet… you need both inlets and outlets to cool the ER. At least that’s how it done on smaller MYs